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How to build a portfolio as a freelance writer?


Learn how to build a portfolio as a freelance writer! Follow these simple steps to showcase your writing skills and attract potential clients.

Why Every Freelance Writer Needs a Portfolio

If you’re a freelance writer, whether just starting out or already established, having a strong portfolio is essential to showcase your best work and attract potential clients. Your portfolio is essentially your resume as a writer, and it’s the first thing that potential clients will look at when considering hiring you. It’s important to have a well-curated selection of writing samples that demonstrate your skills and expertise in various niches.

As a freelance writer myself, I can attest to the power of having a strong portfolio. When I first started out, I struggled to land clients because I didn’t have any previous work experience as a writer.

But once I started creating quality writing samples and building my portfolio, it became much easier for me to attract new clients and secure higher-paying gigs. Having a portfolio not only showcases your writing abilities but also establishes credibility with potential clients.

It shows that you take your craft seriously and have invested time in developing your skills as a writer. A well-organized portfolio can also help you stand out from other writers who may not put as much effort into their online presence or may not have as much experience in the niche that you specialize in.

Determine Your Niche

As a freelance writer, one of the most important things you can do to build your portfolio is to identify your niche. This means finding a topic or area of writing that aligns with your interests and skills. It’s important to focus on a particular niche because it will allow you to become an expert in that area and attract clients who need content in that field.

Identify Your Writing Strengths and Interests

The first step in determining your niche is to identify your writing strengths and interests. Start by brainstorming topics that you enjoy writing about or have experience in.

Think about the types of writing you excel at, whether it’s technical writing, creative writing, or marketing copy. It’s also important to consider what topics you are knowledgeable about or passionate about.

For example, if you love cooking and have experience working in the food industry, you may want to focus on food writing. If you’re interested in health and wellness, consider pursuing medical or fitness writing.

Research Popular Niches in the Freelance Writing Industry

Once you’ve identified your strengths and interests, it’s time to research popular niches within the freelance writing industry. Some common niches include:

  • Technology
  • Fashion
  • Finance
  • Lifestyle
  • Sports
  • E-commerce

There are many other niches out there as well, so don’t limit yourself! Research blogs or websites focused on these different areas of interest so that you can get a feel for the type of content being created within each niche.

Choose a Niche That Aligns with Your Skills and Passions

Once you’ve identified your writing strengths and researched popular niches, it’s time to choose a niche that aligns with your skills and passions. Think about the type of content you want to create and what kind of clients you want to work with. It’s important to choose a niche that you are passionate about because this will make it easier for you to create high-quality content that resonates with your audience.

Additionally, when you’re passionate about what you do, it shows in your writing, which can help attract new clients who share your enthusiasm for the topic. By identifying your niche and focusing on creating high-quality content within that area, you’ll be well on your way to building a portfolio filled with excellent writing samples that showcase your skills and expertise.

Create Your Writing Samples

Brainstorm topics for your portfolio pieces

Before you start writing your samples, it’s important to brainstorm topics that align with your chosen niche. Consider what types of writing assignments you want to take on in the future and create pieces that showcase your abilities in those areas. To generate ideas, start by researching popular topics within your niche.

Use tools like Google Trends or BuzzSumo to find articles or blog posts that have high engagement and shares. Take note of what makes these pieces successful and think about how you can put your own spin on the topic.

You can also think about personal experiences or interests that could be turned into relevant content. For example, if you are a travel writer, consider writing about a recent trip you took or creating a guide to traveling on a budget.

Write high-quality articles, blog posts, or other relevant content

Once you have identified potential topics for your portfolio samples, it’s time to get writing! Whether you choose to write articles, blog posts, or another type of content will depend on your niche and personal preferences. When creating your samples, make sure they are well-researched and contain accurate information.

Write in a clear and concise style that is easy for readers to understand. Use strong headlines and subheadings to break up the text.

If you’re having trouble getting started with writing, consider using an outline as a guide. This can help keep you organized and ensure that all important points are covered in each piece.

Edit and proofread your work to ensure it is error-free

After completing each sample piece for your portfolio, take some time away from it before returning for editing purposes. This break will help clear up any bias towards the piece while examining its strengths & weaknesses realistically.

Editing is crucial when building a portfolio as any errors will reflect poorly on you. Make sure to read through each piece multiple times, looking for spelling and grammar errors, awkward phrasing, and overall flow.

You may also want to consider having a friend or colleague review your work for a fresh perspective. Proofreading takes the editing one step ahead by checking the formatting of your work and comparing it with the provided guidelines.

Overall, it’s important to take time when creating your portfolio samples to ensure they are high-quality and error-free. These samples will serve as a representation of your skills as a writer, so make sure they showcase what you are capable of.

Showcase Your Work on Your Website

As a freelance writer, your website will function as your online portfolio. Your potential clients will visit your website to see if you are the right fit for their project.

Therefore, creating a professional website that exhibits your best work is essential. A well-designed website will showcase not only your writing skills but also your professionalism.

You can create a personal blog or use publishing platforms such as WordPress or Wix to create a professional-looking website. If you’re not tech-savvy, it’s worth considering hiring someone to design and build it for you.

Create a Professional Website to Display Your Portfolio

Make sure that the layout of the site is clean and easy to navigate. The homepage should be eye-catching and provide an overview of who you are and what you do.

Use high-quality images and colors that align with your brand. Additionally, ensure that the site has all necessary information about the services you offer, including pricing and contact details.

Organize Your Samples by Category or Niche

Organize your samples by category or niche so that they are easy for potential clients to find. This approach helps clients browse through specific samples relevant to their industry without wasting time going through unrelated work.

If you have experience in multiple niches, creating different pages on your portfolio site might be an excellent way of categorizing them. Alternatively, if all of the work relates closely together — such as articles/blog posts — consider organizing them by publishing platform (e.g., Medium vs LinkedIn) or client name.

Include Brief Descriptions of Each Sample

When showcasing each article on your portfolio page, include brief descriptions outlining what each sample is about. These descriptions help potential clients understand what type of content they can expect from working with you and give more context than just posting links to published pieces. A well-designed website will help you exhibit your writing skills to potential clients.

The site should have all necessary information about the services you offer and be easy to navigate. Organize your samples by category or niche for easy navigation and include brief descriptions of each sample.

Network and Collaborate with Other Writers

As a freelance writer, networking and collaborating with other writers can be incredibly valuable. Not only can you learn from other writers’ experiences, but you can also gain exposure to new clients and expand your portfolio through collaborative projects. One way to connect with fellow writers is by joining online writing communities or forums.

These platforms allow you to ask questions, share advice, and build relationships with other writers in the industry. Another great way to network as a freelance writer is by attending local writing events or workshops.

These events provide an opportunity to meet other writers face-to-face and learn from industry experts. You may even find potential clients at these events who are looking for a skilled freelancer like yourself.

Collaborating on projects with other writers is also a valuable way to expand your portfolio. For example, if you’re interested in writing about personal finance but don’t have any relevant samples, try reaching out to another writer who specializes in that area.

You could collaborate on an article together or even guest post on each other’s websites. Not only will this help build your portfolio, but it also allows you to build relationships within the industry.

Join Online Writing Communities or Forums

Online writing communities are a great place for freelance writers of all levels of experience to connect with one another. Whether it’s through Facebook groups or forums hosted by popular websites like Writer’s Digest, these platforms offer opportunities for freelancers to share their knowledge and experiences while building relationships. Joining online writing communities gives you access not only to potential jobs but also valuable feedback from fellow freelancers who may have already navigated issues that you might currently be experiencing such as finding new clients or dealing with difficult ones.

Attend Local Writing Events or Workshops

Attending local writing events provides an excellent opportunity for freelance writers looking for networking opportunities with fellow professionals. There are many local writing events and workshops that you can attend, including writing conferences, classes, or meetups.

Local writing events help freelance writers build relationships with other professionals in the industry. Attendees can exchange ideas, provide feedback on each other’s work, and share tips on how to improve their writing skills.

Collaborate with Other Writers on Projects

Collaborating with other writers is an excellent way to build a portfolio. It allows you to expand your reach by tapping into another writer’s audience and helps you gain valuable experience working within a team.

When collaborating with other writers, it’s essential to find someone whose skills complement your own. For example, if you’re a talented copywriter but struggle with research and data analysis, consider partnering up with someone who excels in those areas.

This will not only help you create better content but will also make the collaboration process much smoother. Freelance writers should always be looking for new ways to network and collaborate with others in the industry.

Joining online writing communities or forums, attending local writing events or workshops and collaborating on projects are all excellent ways to expand your portfolio while building relationships within the industry. By doing so; you’ll be able to grow as a writer and increase your chances of success as a freelancer.

Utilize Social Media Platforms

Social media is a great way to showcase your writing portfolio and connect with potential clients and fellow writers in the industry. Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram are some of the most popular social media platforms for freelance writers. You can use these platforms to promote your work, network with others in the industry, and even find potential job opportunities.

Promote Your Work on Twitter

Twitter is a micro-blogging platform that allows you to share short messages with a large audience. As a freelance writer, you can use Twitter to promote your work by sharing links to your blog posts or articles.

Use relevant hashtags such as #freelancewriting or #writingtips to increase visibility and attract potential clients. It’s important to strike a balance between self-promotion and engaging with others on Twitter.

Retweeting other writers’ work, commenting on tweets, and participating in Twitter chats are great ways to connect with others in the industry. This can lead to new job opportunities or collaborations down the line.

Connect with Potential Clients on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that allows you to showcase your skills and experience as a freelance writer. You can create a profile that highlights your portfolio pieces, writing experience, and any relevant certifications or courses you’ve taken.

To connect with potential clients on LinkedIn, join groups related to your niche or industry. This will allow you to participate in discussions, share insights, and connect with others who may be interested in hiring freelance writers for their projects.

Showcase Your Personality on Instagram

Instagram is primarily known as a photo-sharing app but it’s also becoming increasingly popular for showcasing written content too. As an added bonus — Instagram provides an opportunity for freelancers not only display their writing style but also their personality.

Inserting pictures of yourself enjoying hobbies outside of writing — like cooking delicious meals, practicing yoga, or hiking — can help potential clients gauge if they would be a good fit for you and who you are as a person. To showcase your writing on Instagram, create visually appealing posts that feature quotes from your writing or snippets of articles you’ve written.

Use relevant hashtags to increase visibility and connect with other writers and potential clients. By doing so, you’ll be able to establish yourself as an authority in your niche while also showing off your unique personality.

Ask for Testimonials from Clients

As a freelance writer, having good references and recommendations can go a long way in building trust with potential clients. One way to get testimonials is to reach out to past clients and ask them about their experience working with you.

Not only will this give you valuable feedback on your work, but it will also provide social proof that can help attract new business. When asking for a testimonial, be specific about what you’re looking for.

Ask the client if they would be willing to write a few sentences about their experience working with you, what they liked about your writing style, and how it helped them achieve their goals. Make sure they are comfortable with having their name and business included in the testimonial.

Reach out to Past Clients for Testimonials

One way to reach out to past clients is through email or social media channels such as LinkedIn or Twitter. Be polite and professional in your message, thanking them for their past business and expressing your desire to improve as a freelance writer. Let them know that you’re hoping to build up your portfolio and would appreciate any feedback they can provide.

If possible, offer an incentive for leaving a testimonial such as a discount on future services or an extra revision of previous work at no cost. This can encourage clients to take the time out of their busy schedule to provide thoughtful feedback.


Building up your portfolio as a freelance writer takes time and effort, but it’s worth it in the end when new clients start reaching out because of the quality of your work. By identifying your niche, creating high-quality writing samples, showcasing your work on a professional website, networking with other writers online and offline, utilizing social media platforms effectively, and asking for testimonials from past clients; you’re on the right track towards success. Remember that freelancing is all about building relationships with clients and providing them with content that they find valuable.

By focusing on delivering quality work and building up your reputation as a trusted writer, you’re sure to attract more business in the future. Keep working on your craft, stay motivated, and always be open to learning new things — before you know it, your portfolio will be overflowing with impressive writing samples that showcase your skills and passion for freelance writing!

Building a portfolio is essential for any freelance writer looking to showcase their skills and expertise to potential clients. Here are some tips from the search results to build a strong writing portfolio:

  1. Identify your niche and focus to help you stand out from the crowd and attract the right clients.
  2. Create a freelance writing portfolio website to showcase your work. You can use platforms like Contently and LinkedIn to create a professional-looking and free writer’s portfolio.
  3. Highlight your best work and make sure it’s easy to navigate for potential clients.
  4. Keep your portfolio updated with your latest work and remove outdated samples.
  5. Get feedback on your portfolio from other writers or industry professionals to improve it.
  6. Focus on quality over quantity. Include only your best work that showcases your skills and expertise.
  7. Use your portfolio to tell a story about who you are as a writer and what you can offer potential clients.

Overall, building a portfolio as a freelance writer requires showcasing your best work, identifying your niche, and creating a professional-looking portfolio website. It’s also important to keep your portfolio updated and focus on quality over quantity. Get feedback from other writers or industry professionals to improve your portfolio and use it to tell a story about who you are as a writer and what you can offer potential clients.


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